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创建于 李 鑫 最后更新 Mon, 08-Apr-2024 Chinese

54 讲座 00:47:33 小时
读写教程Unit 1 Language in mission
6 讲座 00:06:02 小时
  • 1.1pre-reading 语法的重要性 00:03:17
  • 1.2reading comprehension 如何有效学习英语语法 00:01:47
  • 1.3text study-如何学好英语 00:00:58
  • 1.1Section A
  • 1.2Section B
  • 1.3Section C + Project
  • 2.1A- pre-reading视频- Suggestions on how to select a major
  • 2.2A-text study-视频 00:03:14
  • 2.3B- text study 00:02:52
  • 2.4Detailed understanding 00:02:02
  • 2.1Section A
  • 2.2Section B
  • 2.3Section C + Project
  • 3.1A-pre-reading-young people take up responsibilities 00:01:20
  • 3.2A-reading comprehension-entrepreneurship 00:02:51
  • 3.3A-reading comprehension-创新精神 00:00:55
  • 3.4A-reading comprehension-共青团宣传片 00:04:25
  • 3.5A-reading comprehension-志不立,天下无可成之事 00:01:30
  • 3.6B-lead in 00:01:40
  • 3.7B-text study-2 00:00:24
  • 3.8B-text study-Ted 演讲 00:00:58
  • 3.9Chinese view-少年中国说 00:00:47
  • 3.1Section A
  • 3.2Section B
  • 3.3Section C+Project
  • 4.1A-detailed reading-1 Qian Xuesen 00:01:53
  • 4.2A-detailed reading-2 students studying abroad 00:01:14
  • 4.3A-Pre-reading activities修改 00:01:55
  • 4.4B-lead-in activity 00:02:23
  • 4.1Section A
  • 4.2Section B
  • 4.3Section C + Project
  • 5.1B- lead in 00:01:49
  • 5.2critical thinking 00:02:55
  • 5.3Detailed understanding Para. 8 00:03:26
  • 5.4Detailed understanding Paras. 4-5 00:02:40
  • 5.5Pre-reading activities
  • 5.1Section A
  • 5.2Section B
  • 5.3Section C + Project
  • 6.1凡事须有度 00:00:13
  • 6.2少即是多 00:00:05
  • 6.1Section A
  • 6.2Section B
  • 6.3Section C + Project
  • 视听说教程Unit 1 Mind the gap
  • 视听说教程Unit 2 On the road
  • 视听说教程Unit 3 Just relax
  • 视听说教程Unit 4 Does gender matter
  • 视听说教程Unit 5 The power of words
  • 视听说教程Unit 6 You are what you eat
  • 电子书
  • 练习题
  • 音频
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